The Holy Brook School


The Holy Brook Special School (HBS) is a KS1 and KS2 special school for pupils with a severe Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulty (SEMH). A substantial proportion of our pupils have additional needs, such as learning difficulties or autism.

All pupils have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and can join our school in all year groups. There are 32 places available at the Holy Brook School.


The fundamental principle of our approach to behaviour management is based upon the concept that all behaviour has meaning and is a communication from the child. It is understood that pupils may behave unsafely and that such behaviour is not always in their control.

 The dominant perspective of behaviour management at HBS is based on the 6 principles of the Nurture Group Network:

  1. Children's learning is understood developmentally.
  2. The classroom offers a safe base.
  3. Nurture is important for the development of self-esteem.
  4. Language is understood as a vital means of communication.
  5. All behaviour is communication.
  6. Transitions are significant in the lives of children.

Working at Holy Brook can be challenging but it is also extremely rewarding. The impact we can have on such young lives is really significant and so it is a real privilege to work in such an environment with a dedicated staff team, supportive parents and carers and an effective and active Governing Body. As a staff we are close and mutually supportive. There is a wide range of experiences and expertise within the team and other professionals that support us and the pupils at Holy Brook.


 William Neighbour

 Head Teacher




145 Ashampstead Road, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3LJ

0118 937 5489