Welcome to our class page!
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There are lots of games, resources and activities to support your child's learning.
We are working at either Phase 2 or Phase 3 in our class.
Below are some helpful links for games and resources to support your child with their phonics.
Buried Treasure - phonics game
During Spring Term 2, our focus text is 'Our Tower'. You can watch the text by clicking here.
We have been creating our own towers using building bricks and also made our own special stones. We will continue to use this text as a stimulus for different activities.
Below are some helpful links for games and resources to support your child with their maths.
Number and place value basketball
For Spring Term 2, our focus is on: animals and living things.
We aim to cover the following outcomes:
- I can explore and compare the differences between living and non-living things
- I can notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
- I can describe how animals obtain their food using the simple idea of food chains
- I can describe the life cycles of mammals, amphibians and birds
Afternoon Sessions.
Your child will have the opportunity to take part in a range of different engaging activities during the afternoons, these include: woodlands school, cooking, gymnastics, art and planned play sessions.
Thank you for visiting our class page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or school.
Thank you as always for your continued support.
145 Ashampstead Road, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3LJ
0118 937 5489