The Holy Brook School

Spring Class

Welcome to the Spring class page!

Here you will find information on what we are learning in school.

Your child should have taken home with their Purple Mash log in details to use at home to access games, resources and activities to support your child's learning.


Please click the link below to access their purple mash account. 



In Spring class, we aim to teach the children to identify their emotions and provide them with a range of strategies to help regulate their emotions and feelings. We have been looking at the Zones of Regulation and continue to focus on the use of four colours to help children identify how they are feeling. The children have also been learning different ways to manage their emotions, based on which colour zone they are in. 


 In Phonics, we are working on Phase 3, Phase 4 (no new sounds) and Phase 5 in our class.We have daily phonics lessons to support the child’s phonetic knowledge and reading skills. Please find the sound mats below to support your child. 








Below are some helpful links for games and resources to support your child with their phonics. 


Phonics Play

Buried Treasure - phonics game

Phonics Bloom

Twinkl Phonics 


Time for Phonics



In English, we are focusing on the text "Our Tower." You can watch the story here by clicking the link.


We have been describing the tower and how the description may change throughout the story. We have been looking at different fantasy worlds and will be using the book to inspire our own fantasy world. 


Our Tower - Joseph Coelho 



In Maths, we are working on our times tables including 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s, 6s, 8s.  We will be using practical resources to practice our times tables. 


Each term we focus on: 

1) Number and Place Value 

2) Measure/ Shape 

3) Calculation

Below are some links for some maths activities/ games that you can play at home to support your child's maths learning.  


 Number and place value basketball

Top marks games

Paint the squares 



In Science this half term, we are focusing on animals and living things. We will be looking at comparing the differences between living and non-living things; noticing that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults; we will be able to describe how animals obtain their food using food chains and also be able to describe the life cycles of mammals, amphibians and birds.The children will be exploring these aims through practical and engaging lessons. 

Afternoon Curriculum

The children will have an opportunity to engage in different activities during afternoon sessions. These include: cooking, woodlands school,planned play, science, art, gymnastics, PE and DT.



Thank you for visiting our class page, I hope you find some useful extra resources on here. Thank you for your ongoing support. 


If you have any queries or questions, please do let me know by calling the school office on 0118 937 5489 or emailing me directly.

Many thanks, 



Spring Class Teacher


145 Ashampstead Road, Southcote, Reading, RG30 3LJ

0118 937 5489